Wednesday, July 14, 2010


We're currently living in a house with no internet access.  I'm currently typing with one hand while nursing.  Someday soon I'll have two hands and web access and start writing again...


March 18th, 2010

Birthday from Jessica Clifford on Vimeo.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Tonight I walked in to Target thinking "Gee, I'd really like to find a pair of dark wash maternity skinny jeans on clearance", and I walked out of the store with the only pair of dark wash maternity skinny jeans on clearance they had which just happened to be in my size.  I think Jesus wanted me to have them.

Also, I just realized that as of today I am 20 weeks which means the baby is half done. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Understanding in a car crash

With the exception of our photography gear, we no longer own anything worth over $200 (and that might be a little high of an estimate).  The most valuable thing I can think of is my engagement ring, and that was about $175.  (Tipit w/pearl by Charlotte)

We had a car.  A dependable, fuel efficient, PAID OFF, perfect-for-our-growing-family car.  Until Sunday night.  Long story short, we were doing a sign install for Matthew's job and I was pulling over to the side of the road, Matthew jumped out of the car, and all I remember was hearing him yell and then impact.  I was rear-ended, and the back end of the car exploded.  Luckily I didn't have time to brace for impact and the car was in drive with my foot on the brake, so I was able to release the brake and minimize the jolt on my body.  Still, I have a few bumps and bruises as well as a very stiff neck.  We spent the evening in the ER (I can feel the swine flu germs growing on my body) and they did an ultrasound to check on the baby and it's heart rate is strong and it's very much a wiggler. 

So we're still alive and still being provided for, life just got even more interesting for us.  We're thankful that nothing more happened.  A few seconds later and Matthew would have been standing behind the car at the trunk.  It terrifies us to think of the possibilities of what could have been, so we're trying to dwell in the knowledge that God took care of us and it was the best-case scenario of a bad situation. 

Now to get a shower and off to the chiropractor....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Please tell me this is normal...

Last night I had one seamless dream that I was late for work and that contained, among many others, the following obstacles:

• a drug rehab group trying to herd a pack of stampeding llamas on the freeway.
• ending up at a private Obama fundraiser and realizing I forgot my pants.
• a screaming match with Oprah and Tyra Banks about scratched sunglasses.
• the cast of How I Met Your Mother.

This is normal for pregnancy, right?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Belly Shots

My belly so far:

10 weeks
10 Weeks

11 weeks
11 Weeks

12 weeks
12 Weeks

I have week 13 sitting on the camera still.  Someday I'll get around to editing it...


In an effort to be as old-timey as possible with this whole baby thing we've decided to give cloth diapers a try.  Specifically these ones: FuzziBunz.  Honestly, how much cuter is this:
than this:
(sorry, I have a thing against characters on things.  In fact I have a "thing" against most baby stuff, but that's a story for another day)
AAANNNDDD, pulling numbers I'm making up off the top of my head, it's a stinkin' lot cheaper to go the cloth route.  I read somewhere that the initial investment in cloth diapers can be about $400, while disposables can cost around $2500 over the time your child is in diapers.  
Of course, with our current budget the baby would be getting get an old t-shirt tied around it's bum.  But that's all going to change someday, right?  Please tell me it will........